BC Home Renovation装修
持牌电工 张先生

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2017-10-11 03:09| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 223| 评论: 0|原作者: 互联网|来自: 互联网

摘要: 转自http://www.fanclubbers.org 加拿大城镇有很多种不同住房,如独立屋(house)、排屋(town house?ow house)、半独立屋(semi-detached house)、高级公寓(condominium即owned apartment)和普通公寓(rented ...


加拿大城镇有很多种不同住房,如独立屋(house)、排屋(town house?ow house)、半独立屋(semi-detached house)、高级公寓(condominium即owned apartment)和普通公寓(rented apartment)。房屋价格在不同地区和区域均不同。房租和房价以温哥华和多伦多地区为最高。不要强求第一次的住房就一切满意,每三年中,两个加拿大人中就有一个要搬一次家。


  住房出租广告多刊登在报纸上。一般分提供家具(furnished)和不提供家具(unfurnished)两种。提供家具的房子至少应有床、桌子、椅子、台灯、窗帘、和基本的厨房设备。其价钱比不提供家具的要贵。出租的房间种类很多,如单间(single room,厨房和厕所同他人分用)、带厨房单间(bachelor apartment)、一室一厅(one bedroom)、两室一厅(two bedrooms)等。房间大小各不相同,但一般都具有以下设施:一个可上锁的供进出的门,带厕所、洗脸池、洗澡设备的卫生间,放衣物的壁橱,带洗碗池、碗橱、台面(counter)、炉子、冰箱的厨房。以下是所有出租房子必备的设备:可供饮用的水,污水排水管道,电,暖气设备,电话安装设施。

  也许你希望安装有线电视(cable television),以便收看更多频道,但需要按月付费给有线电视公司。付费方式随房东不同而不同。一般而言需要付相当于一个月房租的押金。押金可以作为最后一个月的房租。




  当决定了要租的房子后,一般得与房主签租约。租约一般是按年的,也就是说至少得租一年。也有按月算的。加拿大许多地区的华人房主不需要签租约。不签租约的好处是可以短期居住,随时搬走,只要离前通知房主即可。签租约时要特别留心附加说明部分(exceptions and additions). 你需要弄明白室内哪些是你要付费的。租约使用的是法律术语,如感到难以理解的话,可熟人或新移民帮助机构帮助。一旦签字,租约将具有法律效力。在许多情况下,房主会做信誉调查以确定你是否有能力付房租。仔细检查房间,看是否有你移入之前就损坏的地方,要求房主修理。




  作为房客,法律保护你避免不合理的房租增长、避免房主没有正当理由强迫你搬走。没有你的允许,房主一般不能进入你的房间。然而,你也有义务爱惜房子、尊重其他房客、避免大声干扰其他人。大多数城市都有法律禁止在夜间制造过大的噪音。在大多数省市,房租都是控制的。Rent Review或Rent Control offices等机构可以提供哪些房租是在控制范围内和是怎样控制的。各省的Human Rights Commissions在因房租发生纠纷时均可以给予帮助。许多城市都有房客组织,可以在电话薄政府栏中查到。这些组织也可以给你建议和支持。


  1. 加拿大房租和房价是多少?


  2. 租房涉及哪些法律方面的事项?

许多城市都有标准的房屋出租租约(standard rental agreement or lease),房客和房主都必须签字。其对房间数目、用具及其他如停车位、储存室等都有说明。签字前仔细阅读,弄明白哪些用具是你要另外付费的,如果提前搬出会有哪些处罚。移民服务处可以帮助你准确理解租约和准确确定你所需要的。有些房主可能要求你付房屋损坏押金。但正常使用中的损坏不应赔偿。检查在搬入之前已有的损坏并告知房主,要求修理。

  3. 怎样买房子?

房子信息主要来自朋友、邻居、房地产经销商、地方报刊。房地产经销商是有营业执照的房地产公司的成员,他可以带你看不同的房子,给你提供房子资讯。加拿大的房子一般都应有暖气供应系统,热水锅炉,固定家具(built-in furniture)等。你可以从先前房主那里直接将冰箱、炉子、洗衣机、窗帘、烘干机等买下。买房子涉及的财产法相当复杂,你应雇用律师。当你看中一栋房子后,以书面形式出价(offer)(前提是房子通过了专业人员就其状况和结构的勘察)。出价常要求附押金。然后,买卖双方以书面形式讨价还价,如果买方接受,出价(offer)就成为购买合同。如果需要贷款,可与银行或信托公司联系。

  4. condominium是什么样的房子?

Condominiums是私人拥有所有权的公寓或排屋(townhouses)。其花园、进入道等为共有。除付买房钱、地税等外,还需付一定的管理费(condominium fee)供维修等管理费用。

以下是摘录自某大学的list of cautions,用作在找房子签约前大家应该注意的问题,我觉得非常有用,贴上来大家分享一下。


Print this list of "cautions" to take with you on your search for off-campus housing!

What to Watch Out for/ Ask About Before You Sign:


how much? When is it due? Are utilities (water, heat, hydro), parking extra? (Get it in writing!!)

Call utility companies to get an exact cost.

Does the landlord require a deposit? Be aware that the only allowable deposit to secure a rental unit is a payment not exceeding one month's rent, which must be applied to the last month of tenancy. The landlord must pay interest at an annual rate of 6% on this deposit. Additional deposits, including prepayment of first month's rent, 'key deposit', etc. are not permitted.

Always request a receipt for any cash transaction. If a landlord agrees to repairs, paying utilities/parking, have him/her put it in writing.

What are the rules regarding subletting? (This is especially important for students who may signing twelve month leases, but returning to another address for the summer months.)

What are you and the landlord responsible for? A landlord is responsible for keeping the dwelling in good repair and physically fit for living while complying with all health, safety and housing standards as set by law. A tenant is responsible for ordinary cleanliness and for repairing any damage that s/he or one of his/her guests caused either willfully or negligently.

If possible speak to present or previous tenants.


Proximity to campus - can you walk or cycle - or must you rely on public transportation? If public transport, check the peak vs. off peak hours, frequency, etc. Look at the proximity of the bus stop to your home and number of transfers required to get to the university campus.

Is the dwelling close to grocery stores, laundromats and other facilities?

Is the street/neighbourhood well lit?

Property Standards:

Are all locks (doors and windows) in good working order? Who has access to the keys?

Are there proper exits in case of fire, and are they clearly marked? Is there a smoke detector(s) in the dwelling? (Fire extinguisher?)

Are there enough electrical outlets, and are they in working order? Do you have access to a fuse box/circuit breakers, if necessary? Have there been problems with the electricity? If there is a fuse box, are the outlets 2 or 3 prong?

Is water pressure and hot water sufficient - try all faucets including shower, toilets etc. (Check size of hot water tank)

Is there proper lighting and ventilation? Are there ceiling fixtures, or do you have to provide lamps?

What type of heating is used? The standard for the city is that the heating system must be capable of reaching a temperature of 20 degrees Celcius five feet from the floor and three feet from the exterior walls. Interior floors and ceiling must be kept free from dampness.

Are there storm windows? Do windows open and close properly? (If paying for heating, poor insulation can make heating costly).

Where is the temperature control? Is it accessible?

Where do you put the garbage and when? Is recycling part of the garbage removal system? The greater Ottawa area includes black box (paper materials) and blue box (glass and metal materials) removal on alternate garbage days. Find out which week is which.

Is the dwelling clean? Pest free? Is the landlord cleaning/painting the dwelling before you move in? Will you be permitted to paint and will you be compensated for any expense?

Do all of the appliances work? Try them!

Seasonal factors - Who is responsible for exterior maintenance - i.e., cutting grass, shoveling snow, raking leaves?



is it available? Does it cost extra?

Are furnishings included? If so, inspect the condition of all furniture and report, in writing, any items which need repair before moving in.

Is it sound proof? Check for loud music, audible traffic flow, etc. (studying can be made difficult)

Is there enough storage space/closets?

If you are sharing facilities (bath or kitchen), try to meet the other tenants.

If possible, visit neighbourhood/building at night. Is is safe and quiet?

If you are in an apartment building, check with other tenants on things like elevator maintenance. Have there been problems? You don't want to have to climb up 10 flights of stairs with a load of groceries if the elevator isn't working.

For Roomers:

Kitchen/laundry privileges - what are the rules?

Visitor restrictions?

Is there enough privacy? A lock on your door? Who has access to keys? Is it possible/necessary to install an additional phone line or cable line?


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